In all world languages

A network of mother-tongue professional translators. Over 60 linguists with specific skills. Studio 23.
The heart of our services? Translation, proofreading and editing texts, sworn translations and apostilles. For Italian and foreign companies, but also for law firms and private individuals.

In all world languages
A network of mother-tongue professional translators. Over 60 linguists with specific skills. Studio 23.
The heart of our services? Translation, proofreading and editing texts, sworn translations and apostilles. For Italian and foreign companies, but also for law firms and private individuals.
Company profile, schede prodotto, materiali pubblicitari e POP, comunicati stampa e manuali di istruzioni sono solo alcuni esempi di documenti corporate e tecnici sui quali lavoriamo. Possiamo tradurre anche parole singole o frasi brevi, come nel caso di etichette, in tutte le lingue del mondo e in qualsiasi combinazione linguistica. Rispettiamo l’impaginazione di ciascun testo per consegnare al cliente traduzioni conformi ai layout originali.

Translations for
the fashion industry
Translations for
the food & wine industry
Translations for
communications and
press offices
Sworn translations and apostilles
For companies and private individuals, we directly follow the procedures for asseveration (or sworn translation) and certification (or apostilles) of public documents, notarial deeds, registers, financial statements, registry certificates, identity documents and education qualifications.
We collaborate with the Courts, Offices of the Justice of the Peace and the Public Prosecutor in Verona. Our customers appreciate and rely on our tireless support in the preparation of their tenders in Italy and abroad. When they win, we do too!

Sworn translations and apostilles
Proofreading and editing